Thursday, November 28, 2019

Papa johns research paper free essay sample

The firm that is being analyzed is Papa John’s Pizza, which is the third largest pizza chain in The United States and has stores in over 20 other countries. Overall, the company has a very well developed strategic orientation and is heading in a very positive direction. The company’s operational and customer capabilities are very well prepared, however, the Innovation capabilities are still behind their most formidable competitors. There is a very high level of consistency in both the company’s operational and structural interior and there remains a great opportunity for this company to expand internationally and domestically, through better use of interactive marketing techniques and expanded product innovations. Information from this study was compiled using statistics from ValueLine. com and various other databases within the UNT website. The performance matrix was utilized to gain a better understanding of Papa John’s current market situation and analyze which direction the company should proceed. We will write a custom essay sample on Papa johns research paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The customer, innovation, and operational capabilities were the major Organizational capabilities assessed. Papa John’s carries a mission statement which focuses on â€Å"superior brand loyalty through authentic, superior- quality products, legendary customer service, and extraordinary community service† (Papajohn’s. com). Papa john’s also adopts people as their most important asset to the company and seeks to create long term value for their shareholders. Papa john’s emphasizes six key values in their operations which include focus, accountability, superiority, attitude, constant improvement, and PAPA (People Are Priority Always). Recently, they have adopted a social policy which places responsibility on their suppliers to auditing their treatment of animals. Papa John’s implements a specific strategic orientation with regards to their product market focus and operational, innovation and customer capabilities. They use only high quality ingredients, hand cut vegetables, premium meats and cheeses and all natural sauces to differentiate from their competitors. Papa john’s also keeps volatile cost of key ingredients low through partnering with purchasing companies such as BIBP, which is a large chees purchasing company. Papa john’s also operates their own commissaries, which distribute all of the ingredients and supplies to every store. This helps the company keep costs low and ensure the delivery of quality ingredients. The company also uses a strong and continuous employee training program to ensure consistent quality of menu items throughout each and every store. Papa John’s innovation capabilities seem to a bit lacking. Online ordering is prevalent and the presence of smart phone apps and rewards programs are available, however, the company does not use much business to customer marketing and there are very little signs of using social media devices and marketing tools to connect with their customers. The operating performance of Papa John’s is on a steady gain. The company is currently the world’s third largest pizza company. Pizza hut, a subsidiary of YUM! Brands and Dominos are the frontrunners. Papa John’s had also been rated #1 in customer satisfaction eleven out of the last thirteen years, which aligns with their mission of people being their most important asset (ASCI). In terms of profitability, Papa John’s have an average net profit margin of 4. 3% and is estimated to increase to around 5. 4% by 2016 (Value Line). The company looks to step up their efforts in the international market in the near future as well, with increased operations in overseas countries. Value Line also recognizes Papa Johns as an A grade on the company’s financial strength. The company has a little ground work to do in the area of market performance, as both Dominos and Pizza Hut still possess the lion’s share of the market. The organizational health of the firm is very stable at this time. The financial and operational structure are pretty sound and the company’s goals seem to be heading in alignment with the shareholders. Papa John’s has an earnings predictability grade of 95 on Valueline. com, which suggests that the company is on track to increase revenues and generate profits in the years to come. The performance matrix of Papa John’s concludes that the company is of high importance in the current market and delivers a high amount of performance within the market as well. This would indicate that it is imperative for the company to continue to improve in areas which can gain market share. It is important for the firm to focus on international expansion as well as focus on creating more domestic stores in order to obtain this goal. It may even be beneficial for the company to establish international commissaries to provide the same quality products on a global scale. Another suggestion would be for the firm to create a more interactive marketing campaign to better engage with their customers and build better brand loyalty. Papa John’s could also develop more product innovations in order to attract more potential customers and further company growth. Overall, the current direction the firm is headed will sustain minimal growth at the pace it is going. The need for change is not completely urgent, however, it is necessary in order to keep its place as one of the industry’s top pizza companies.

11 Entry Level Jobs in the Healthcare Industry That Are in High Demand

11 Entry Level Jobs in the Healthcare Industry That Are in High Demand you’ve got your degree, or other certification, in the healthcare industry. the trouble is: you don’t have any field experience. yet! but don’t despair. here are 11 jobs with tons of openings throughout the industry- and all of them entry-level. if you’re looking for a jumping off point to start your healthcare career, then start interviewing for one of these positions stat. registered nursethere is such a high demand for rns right now- nearly 200,000 job openings! as long as you have supervised clinical experience (even just as part of your academic program), you’re qualified. you need a nursing license and a degree, but you can make over $65k per year right out of the gate.licensed practical nurselicensed practical and vocational nurses are also in extreme demand. you’ll need to pass the nclex-pn and complete a year-long practical nursing program with some clinical experience, but then you could make about $40k a year.medical health servic es manageryou’ll need a bachelor’s  and a master’s  in something relevant to health services, plus some admin or nursing experience. but not years and years. this job pays extremely well, with a median income of over $88k.certified nursing assistantcertified nursing assistants don’t make as much money, but earn invaluable experience. there are no degree requirements, just a state approved training program.medical assistantsimilar to a cna, a medical assistant only needs an associate’s degree and some on-the-job training to get started in the field.physical therapistphysical therapists require a lot of schooling, usually a doctorate of some kind, plus a residency or internship of at least one year, but then they make a median salary of nearly $80k and demand and growth are both quite registered nurseto become a registered nurse in an intensive care environment, you need the same training and certification as an rn outside the icu enviro nment. take your pick! where would you fit best?medical secretaryif you have a high school diploma, plus solid knowledge of medical technology and terminology, then you can get started right away as a medical secretary, earning usually over $30k per year.patient service representativeit’s best to have a bachelor’s degree, but sometimes a high school diploma will do. and if you’re good at customer service, you’ll be an asset in this position. the median salary is about $42k.occupational therapistoccupational therapists are a lot like physical therapists in that they work in rehabilitation, but the field is more specific. if you have your master’s degree in ot and have done some work or volunteering in that setting, then you should be good to go! ots make a median salary of over $75k.records info technicianmedical records and health information technicians are in charge of documenting and tracking patient information. if you have an associateâ€℠¢s degree and perhaps a professional certification, you’ll be hirable. it wouldn’t hurt to take a few related medical courses to beef up your application, but you could earn over $30k per year starting out.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Teachers

Teachers that are always on top of things are good planners and thinkers. It probably took each and everyone time to get that way. The only way they now succedd as teachers is from their commitment and practice when trying out new skills. A lesson plan needs to communicate to the person it is written by first and formost. It is to guid he material to help students in learning the intented material presented. The first step in making a lesson plan is to gather up all general information about the plan. It sets the boundaries and limits of the plan. The second part of making a lesson plan are the parts. Each individual part of the lesson plan should in some way have some purpose in communicating the specific content, the objective, the learning prerequisites, what will happen, the sequence of student and teacher activites, the material required, and the assessment procedures. The actual process that teachers should follow is: imput, process, than output. The inpur refers to material, other resources, and the information required by the process. The inputs consist of: information on what they already know of what you want the students to learn. Information about the time needed to fully teach the lesson. Descriptions of materials needed in the lesson. Information of how you will acquire these materials. Information on how to get any special permission needed. The process is the actual plan. When making a plan you need to address several questions such as: What are the inputs? (What we talked about earlier like materials, prerequisites, etc.) What are the students going to learn? What are some instructional activies needed? What are going the students going to do in the lesson plan? How will the students be assessted on what they learned? The way you should come about writing this lesson plan would be to start with the Content. Where you would suggest he sp ecific curriculum that the teacher is trying to teach. It basically related to th... Free Essays on Teachers Free Essays on Teachers Teachers that are always on top of things are good planners and thinkers. It probably took each and everyone time to get that way. The only way they now succedd as teachers is from their commitment and practice when trying out new skills. A lesson plan needs to communicate to the person it is written by first and formost. It is to guid he material to help students in learning the intented material presented. The first step in making a lesson plan is to gather up all general information about the plan. It sets the boundaries and limits of the plan. The second part of making a lesson plan are the parts. Each individual part of the lesson plan should in some way have some purpose in communicating the specific content, the objective, the learning prerequisites, what will happen, the sequence of student and teacher activites, the material required, and the assessment procedures. The actual process that teachers should follow is: imput, process, than output. The inpur refers to material, other resources, and the information required by the process. The inputs consist of: information on what they already know of what you want the students to learn. Information about the time needed to fully teach the lesson. Descriptions of materials needed in the lesson. Information of how you will acquire these materials. Information on how to get any special permission needed. The process is the actual plan. When making a plan you need to address several questions such as: What are the inputs? (What we talked about earlier like materials, prerequisites, etc.) What are the students going to learn? What are some instructional activies needed? What are going the students going to do in the lesson plan? How will the students be assessted on what they learned? The way you should come about writing this lesson plan would be to start with the Content. Where you would suggest he sp ecific curriculum that the teacher is trying to teach. It basically related to th... Free Essays on Teachers I can still remember my tenth grade English class and its dedication towards the TAAS test. We read numerous essays and answered By: Howard â€Å"No issue in the U.S. Education is more controversial than (standardized) testing. Some people view it as the linchpin of serious reform and improvement, others as a menace to quality teaching and learning† (Phelps). A tool that educators use to learn about students and their learning capabilities is the standardized test. Standardized tests are designed to give a common measure of a student’s performance. Popular tests include the SAT, IQ tests, Regents Exams, and the ACT. â€Å"Three kinds of standardized tests are used frequently in schools: achievement, diagnostic, and aptitude† (Woolfolk 550). Achievement tests can be used to help a teacher assess a student’s strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject. Diagnostic tests are typically given to elementary school students when learning problems are suspected. Aptitude tests are designed to predict how a student will perform in the future. For example, the SAT predicts performance in the first y ear of college. Standardized tests give educators a standard measure or â€Å"yardstick† because such a large number of students across the country take the same test. These tests are used to tell how well school programs are doing or to give a picture of the skills and abilities of students. Standardized tests; however, are problematic at all ages and levels of schooling. Standardized aptitude tests measure students’ abilities to learn in school, how well they are likely to succeed in future education. Rather than measuring knowledge of subjects taught in school, these tests measure a broad range of abilities or skills that are considered important to succeed in school. The classroom setting and teacher are the key to assessment. â€Å"Pressure to produce higher scores leads teachers to focus on material that will be covered by the tests ...

Non-standard English and the New Tribalism

Non-standard English and the New Tribalism Non-standard English and the New Tribalism Non-standard English and the New Tribalism By Maeve Maddox Dave Frohnmayer, President Emeritus of the University of Oregon, defines the New Tribalism as, the growth of a politics based upon narrow concerns, rooted in the exploitation of divisions of class, cash, gender, region, religion, ethnicity, morality and ideology, a give-no-quarter and take-no-prisoners’ activism that demands satisfaction and accepts no compromise. I believe that much of the misuse of standard English that we are witnessing is linked to the New Tribalism. Nonstandard English is a tribal marker. Consciously or unconsciously, speakers who have been taught standard grammar and word formation, but persist in saying or writing such stuff as, Me and my friends play video games. They invited my wife and I. The detour effected our plan’s. Your my best friend. I’ll definately be their. do it because they identify with a group that feels that the use of standard speech does not reflect who they are. In the first half of the 20th century, when not every child had the opportunity to progress all the way through high school, learning to speak a standard dialect in addition to one’s home dialect was not seen as an optional by-product of education. The teaching of standard grammar, pronunciation, and spelling was one of public education’s major goals. Standard English was seen as a passport to a job in a bank or an office or a high class department store. It was a goal that ambitious young people mastered before having to leave school at the age of 13 or 14. Two interviews in a documentary about life in the 1930s and 1940s illustrate the change that has taken place in U.S. educational outcomes since the early 20th century. One of the interview subjects was a white man who grew up on an isolated farm and attended a one-room school house. The other subject was a black man who grew up in a poor neighborhood in Chicago. I can’t say with certainty, but I’d guess both grew up speaking nonstandard dialects at home. In the interviews, both men spoke standard English. They spoke with regional accents and inflections, but neither man made the pronoun and verb errors that are so common these days. In the 1940s, only about 50% of the school population graduated from high school. The other half did well to complete eighth grade. Nowadays, school attendance is compulsory to the age of 16 in nineteen states, 17 in eleven states, and 18 in twenty states. Mastery of English grammar seems to have dwindled as time spent in school has increased. A lot of critics blame the modern plague of sloppy English on texting and computer use. I don’t buy that. Texting and Twitterspeak are dialects in their own right. They operate under their own sets of rules. There’s no reason an excellent texter can’t also be an excellent writer of standard English. Doctors may talk about â€Å"phalanges† at a medical conference, but they talk about â€Å"fingers† and â€Å"toes† to their patients. The toughest punk on the street corner probably doesn’t go home and address his mother as â€Å"Yo, Bitch!† Most speakers instinctively shape their language to suit their listeners and readers. When native speakers pass through eight or more years of formal instruction without mastering standard English, something psychological is going on. Certainly there are other contributing factors, but I’m convinced that a great part of the problem is a fear of tribal rejection. What standard English needs is a lobby, like the ones that exist to fight bullying and domestic abuse. It needs well-funded activists and celebrity spokesmen urging young people to say â€Å"My friends and I play video games.† It needs more employers like Kyle Wiens, iFixit CEO and founder of Dozuki. He requires all job applicants to pass a grammar test before interviewing them for a job of any kind. Says Wiens, Grammar signifies more than just a person’s ability to remember high school English. I’ve found that people who make fewer mistakes on a grammar test also make fewer mistakes when they are doing something completely unrelated to writing - like stocking shelves or labeling parts. Now, as in the 1940s, the ability to speak and write a standard form of English is the ticket to a better life. Even if tribal identity requires speaking a distinctive dialect within the group, the ability to speak and write a standard form of English can be a great social equalizer. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightDoes "Mr" Take a Period?How to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Issues involving the assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity Research Paper

Issues involving the assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD - Research Paper Example This stage of assessment is not common in general clinical practice. It requires assessment conducted by Health Professionals trained in Medicine, Psychology, Psychophysiology and Clinical Neuroscience or Nutritional and Environmental medicine. The assessment may include brain function evaluation through neuro-imaging, investigation of diet, nutrition and sensitivities to food. Tests may be conducted to determine the causes of metabolic dysfunctions, recurrent abdominal upsets and chronic ear, nose and throat infections which are probable causes of brain dysfunction and consequently abnormal behaviors and attention deficits (Brown, 2005, p. 21). Rating scales and check lists Rating scales and checklists assist clinicians to obtain information from teachers, parents and others about functioning and symptoms in different settings, which is important for a sufficient assessment for ADHD and monitoring its treatment. The symptoms must be manifested in more than one environment for instan ce in school and at home in order to meet DSM-IV criteria in diagnosing for the condition (Barkley, 2005, p.96). This is only one of many components of a comprehensive evaluation that should include interviews and medical examination. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the most commonly used scales are: the Child Behavior Checklist completed by the parent, Teacher Report Form (TRF), Barkley Home Situations Questionnaire (HSQ), ADD-H: Comprehensive Teacher Rating Scale (ACTeRS), Conners Parent and Teacher Rating Scales and the Barkley School Situations Questionnaire (SSQ). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), says that ADHD-specific rating scales produce more accurate results when distinguishing between children whether a diagnosis of ADHD was initially conducted or not compared to global rating scales and nonspecific questionnaires that assess a variety of behavioral conditions (Barkley, 2005, p. 103).   Behavioral assessments N ot all inattentive, overly hyperactive, or impulsive persons have an attention deficit disorder. This is because most people will at times unintentionally blurt out things, randomly shift between tasks, or become forgetful and disorganized (Jensen & Cooper, 2002, p. 41). To assess for ADHD, several critical questions are put into consideration. Some of these questions include: are the behaviors long-term, excessive and pervasive? Do they happen more frequently than in other persons the same age? Is it a problem that is continuous or just a reaction to a situation that is temporary? Do the behaviors manifest in different settings or only in a specific place? The behavior pattern of the person is then compared against a set criteria and characteristics of the disorder (Brown, 2005, p.33). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version IV (DSM-IV) manual contains these characteristics and criteria. Disorders with symptoms similar to ADHD One of the difficulties of us ing a questionnaire in diagnosing ADHD is that the condition is often accompanied by other disorders. Quantitative EEG which is an examination of brain function can do a better job in differenting between the disorders that have a lot of behavioral overlaps. The following are several of such disorders. Learning Difficulties: Many ADHD children also have a learning disability (LD). This means

Cultures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultures - Research Paper Example This borrows from the fact that formalization mostly applies to utilitarian organizations, whereby organizations come up with hierarchies that have supervisors with greater authority who have to coordinate the activities of subordinates. Formalization also helps in the understanding of the organizational culture as it leads to the prescription of procedures, as well as rules, which specify the duties of each employee. Moreover, formalization serves to ensure that the low ranking employees comply with the set rules and guidelines in the organization. At times, formalization can go far to the extent that the organization sanctions the employees who do not follow the set rules. In some instances, employees who do not follow the formal structure of the organization may be summoned and asked to follow the set procedures and rules (Young, 2007). There are various organizational cultures, which organizations employ when prescribing the rules that should be followed. One of the organizational cultures includes the normative culture. In this culture, there is a consideration of the procedures and norms of the organization. Moreover, the regulations and rules of the organization are set in accordance to the guidelines that exist. The behavior of employees has to be ideal, and they have to follow strictly the policies that the organization has set. The other form of organizational culture includes the academy culture. Organizations using this form of culture tend to hire skilled persons, and duties are delegated in relation to the job experience and the education qualifications of the employees. Organizations that follow this form of culture ensure that they train their employees so as to improve employees’ job performance and achieve the organizations objectives. Another form of organizational culture includes the pragma tic culture where the organization emphasizes a lot on the external stakeholders, as well as the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gas Industry and the Impact on UK Economy Essay

Gas Industry and the Impact on UK Economy - Essay Example This is because numerous factors influence the supply and pricing of gas creating extraordinary inconveniences in the country’s economy. The changing prices of gas usually inflict a lot of pressure on the local economy through pushing up bills for electricity and straining the energy needs. For instance, the nuclear disaster of Japan in 2011 was a significant factor that drove the prices of gas severely affecting the UK economy. This was fueled by the increase of demand for gas by Japan that created sentiment of scarcity. This is just one of lots of aspects that play a function in the UK gas consumption and inherently impact the general economy. This report navigates around the global gas industry, its features and particularly its effects on the vast economy of the United Kingdom. In order to underscore the vast industry and its significance to the economy, the paper will determine the basic problems of the gas industry, market structure, inflation, supply with demand, along with economic enlargement and unemployment. The essence of the report is to expose the inherent implications of the activities and events in the gas industry on the UK economy. The gas industry has several problems most of which induce negative implications on the general economy. ... Supply and demand in the gas industry Supply and demand in the gas industry play an enormous role in affecting the process of gas in the United Kingdom, which directly increases the bills for electricity generated from gas power stations. Any slight change in demand or supply of gas, therefore, has a massive impact on the UK economy (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Lords: Select Committee on Regulators, 2007, 56). A clear example is the Japan nuclear tragedy, which led to the plants being taken offline. Therefore, Japan required more gas to meet its energy demands as an alternative to nuclear power. Gas dealers developed anxiety that the gas shipment destined for Europe could be directed to Japan; where there was high demand for natural gas and was being offered high prices. This trader sentiment created apprehensions that augmented the prices that energy corporations had to pay to purchase gas in the United Kingdom. This is the main reason behind high costs in bills in the count ry in the winter season. Similarly, the conflict in Libya has led to low supply of gas in European markets that imported gas from the North African state thus increasing the price of international gas. As a result, the cost of electricity generation rose pushing up electricity bills. In the United Kingdom, gas and bills are directly related because any changes in gas prices affects electricity bills of energy consumers who use electricity derived from power generators. Therefore, the varying cost of gas is a single dynamic that profoundly affects bills in the UK. For instance, high general price increase the rate of domestic heating as well as the charge of electricity. This has been contributed by the reality that the charge of electricity derived from gas power-stations

Human Resource Development at Primark Stores Ltd Research Proposal

Human Resource Development at Primark Stores Ltd - Research Proposal Example During the study an effort will be made to observe the general working at Primark store in Manchester to seek answers to the following key objectives. Prerequisite to a decent work culture is about respecting individuals and treating everyone, customers and colleagues, with dignity. How Primark has been able to adopt a balancing approach towards motivating the workforce. Research approaches and methods radically influence research content and, consequently, the policies designed in response to that content. Research philosophy is a belief about the way in which data about a phenomenon should be gathered, analyzed and used. This thesis is a qualitative case study which focuses on an analysis of the HR policies prevailing in the retail industry in general and Primark in particular. To carry out such a study in general we resort to two main approaches; Deductive reasoning, which works from the more general to the more specific subjects. Sometimes this is informally called a "top-down" approach. In such approach we take up the 'theory' and then try to apply it to the hypotheses that we intend to test. Gradually we narrow down to the testing of data and observations for their applicability to the theory/ theories to arrive at a confirmation of its applicability or not. The Inductive approach on the other hand begins with collecting data, specific observations, which then lead to broader generalization and theories. Such an approach in called as "bottom up" approach. The patterns thus detected are formulated into tentative hypotheses and we can therefore arrive at some general conclusion about our subject. In this case the study will be more of an inductive one as I'll be observing the functioning of the store, talking to the boys and girls out there about there working hours, compensation etc. During the process I'll also be interacting with some customers to solicit there views about the Primark and the employees in general. Data Collection Secondary Sources: Such data can be collected from the existing literature, research reports, company leaflets, information brochure etc. Primary Sources: Such data can be collected by interacting with the staff, management, customers and other stakeholders. By observing the working and the supply/ distribution chain also we can gather first hand data. It will be little difficult to interact with the top management of the company but I will surely try to meet some of the seniors at the retail outlet. Time Scale and Resources Efforts would be made to complete the different modules of the project leading to the completion of the project as per the following timeline (Note-These are completion dates). Submission of Proposal: Oct 12, 2007 Interaction with the Tutor: October 16, 2007 Inclusion of suggestions by the tutor: October 17, 2007 Preparation of questionnaire: October 25, 2007 Data

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Carter Administration and the Evolution of American Nuclear Essay

The Carter Administration and the Evolution of American Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy - Essay Example Should one continue to play in the field to make sure that it is kept regulated Or should one insist on the moral high ground and stay away from an arena where the evil is both patent and inherent No other world leader has been hounded by this question more than Jimmy Carter, whose regime has seen the evolution of the American Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Though his good faith and commitment to his advocacy have remained unquestioned, many have voiced their opposition over a nuclear containment strategy that effectively cuts off US engagement from other States with respect to the development of nuclear arsenal, and restricts technology transfer with the end in view of achieving nuclear nonproliferation. It is submitted, however, that Carter is not to blame for the failure of his policies. The larger political landscape - both internal and external - must be examined. If at all, Carter must be lauded for boldly extricating the discourse of nuclear weapons from the neither-here-nor-there language of political ambiguity. His fierce and uncompromising condemnation of nuclear weapons has found resonance all over the world, and continues to affect American foreign policy, one A merican President after another. The history of American policy on nuclear weapons is indeed a colorful and protracted one. After the Second World War ended, the Soviet Union began the nuclear race. Desirous of preventing the Soviets from amassing nuclear arsenal, the US encouraged its allies to explore its nuclear capabilities as well. However, the infamous nuclear testing conducted by France radically altered policy and nonproliferation became the avowed goal. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty was entered into by the administration of Lyndon Johnson. However, it was a secondary issue for all intents and purposes. America was made complacent by the absence of threats. When India detonated a nuclear device in 1984, a paradigm shift took place. Nonproliferation suddenly became an important issue. Then President Nixon gave word that he would supply nuclear reactors to Egypt and Israel so they may develop their own nuclear capabilities. Many raised fears, valid fears, that this would only lead to the unabated spread of nuclear weapons and it would reach a point when regulation would be next to impossible. Comes now Jimmy Carter, riding on the crescent wave of anti-nuclear weapon advocates. In his campaign, he always gave special importance to the issue of nuclear weapons. He knew why he wanted to do it - because the anti-nuclear weapons advocacy was at the core human rights issue, and how he would do it - by prohibiting the commercial reprocessing and recycling of plutonium used in the creation of nuclear weapons. By arresting the technology transfer, Carter believed that he was paving the way for nuclear containment. This was a radical and total departure from the policies of Nixon on Ford, who believed in strategic engagement, even a little muscle-flexing, when the need arises. His was a complete declaration of war against nuclear weapons; not the case-to-case basis policy of previous regimes. Much opposition was generated by Carter's policy. In the strong words of Sen. Pete Domenici, a Republican from New Mexico, " a strategy of nonproliferation based solely on denial of equipment and technology will at most only delay, not prohibit this possibility." The legislature also

The Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Marketing Plan - Essay Example food and beverage due to its wide range of product lines such as Arnott’s Premier Melting Moments, Emporio Amond Snap, and Emporio Chocolate Temptation etc presenting a unique taste. However, in spite of strong foothold in numerous developing and developed countries, the competitiveness and market share is decreasing due to its locally utilised ingredients of Australia. Other than this, the profit margin and customer loyalty over the brand is decreasing due to extremely high price and intensive competitive rivalry among its rivals. In addition, to the presence of numerous substitute products like cookies by competitive brands such as Kraft Foods Ltd, Tim- Tams, Vita-Wheat, and Cruskits, the market value and reliability of the organization is declining day by day to a considerable extent. Due to these underlining causes, the portfolio and uniqueness of the organization of Arnott is reducing that hinders its total sale and profitability in long run. Furthermore, numerous less co mpetitive local products are capturing the markets of Australia that hindered its loyalty and brand value as compared to other existing contenders in this age (Arnott, 2014). However, in order to amplify the competitive advantage and sustainability of the organization of Arnott, a marketing plan is developed with the help of a new product, Emporio Crispy. The financial objective of the organization of Arnott is to amplify its total sale by almost 5 percent of its previous sale by the launch of the new product, Emporio Crispy. Other than this, the profit margin of the organization of Arnott might get enhanced by a considerable extent as compared to its rival players. Only then, it might become successful in improving its dominance and position in the market (Grant, 2010, pp. 423-434). The marketing objective of the organization of Arnott is to amplify its loyalty and reliability in the market of Australia. Along with this, the launch of the Emporio Crispy might become successful in

Friday, November 15, 2019

The anti-smoking media campaign among adolescents

The anti-smoking media campaign among adolescents INTRODUCTION In the 20th century, smoking has been established as the leading cause of many preventable diseases (i.e. cancer) and deaths. Antismoking ads started in the 1967, when FCC required broadcasters to air one antismoking message for every three cigarette (Siegal 1998). At first these ads were free until it became effective to the audience that it eliminated the free advertisings. Throughout these years, it provided a worldwide dispute to health of the community. Liu reports: â€Å"Since Minnesota introduced the first paid anti-smoking media campaign in 1986, many other states have used a proportion of their cigarette excise tax revenue to fund large-scale anti-smoking advertisement through the mass media. Those media campaigns try to provide the public with health information about the harmful effects of smoking on health, and, therefore, change peoples smoking behavior, based on the theoretical hypothesis that more informed people are more likely to choose healthy lifestyle† (Liu 2009, p.29). Constantly, advertisers are creating advertisements, such as billboards, commercials and other interesting promotions, for anti-drugs and anti-smoking. It is found in many different places that can be simply seen by the public, preferably among adolescents and teenagers, to get their attention. For example, â€Å"Florida has reported that its Truth advertisements attacking tobacco firms are effective, on the basis of surveys showing 40% and 16% declines in smoking among middle and high school students in the state, respectively† (Penchman 1999, p.2). Recent studies have argued various points that these ads are not working for our city and future generations. Clearly, the government is clearly spending a lot of money for these advertisements but past presidents such as, George W. Bush, tempted with the idea to cut spending because of no concrete answer for a positive outcome. In addition, news media in different markets indicated that teenagers are using more marijuana because of these popular ads that they are constantly seeing in the media. For example, many adolescents feel that marijuana is fashionable drug among their peers because it is popular usage in media such as movies, commercials and many other outlets. Not all people involved in media have agreed with this statement. Others have disagreed with their counterparts and stated that these advertisements are actually working for many people. Research studies done in the past have proved that these advertisements have been a significant positive change for less use of drugs among society. Recently, these advertisements have been getting realistic to the point that it might scare potential users away. In addition, past surveys have been conducted which stated that majority of the people that seen these types of ads are trying to quit from destroying their health. Research studies that found some type of evidence for the success of these media campaigns such as, reducing cigarette consumption and drugs use among adolescents and adults shows that several governments have cut the spending on their control programs. The lost of funding has been in use in other areas such as the recent hit of the economic recession which could have a serious influence on the future success of antismoking and anti-drug control initiations. In addition, policy makers have stated that there is a lack of evidence that these messages are working. This topic brings back to the debate that these ads are producing cigarette use instead of stopping it. â€Å"Many researchers have different ideas on whether advertising for antismoking should be used for tobacco use prevention, which depends on both its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness† (Pechmann 1999, p.2). Currently, theyre no significant evidence that these ads are actually working media. Others are confused if these ads are wasting taxpayers money and not benefiting our society. â€Å"For instance, significant amount of research has been done on this topic and little conclusive evidence of a direct link between advertising-only interventions and reduced adolescent smoking dominance. However, I do agree there is an indirect evidence for the effectiveness of antismoking and antidrug advertising† (Pechmann 2003, p.16). â€Å"Mass communication media play such a significant role in contemporary society, that we could not conceive it without their presence† (Televisa). Since the introduction of media, smoking was brought into new heights and established new audience to attract. Tobacco companies have taken advantage of the media, which they have, supplied billions of dollars on advertising of tobacco. These companies make smoking glamorous, fun and â€Å"cool† to the public. Along with the advertising in media, many include general surgeon message, which is in fine print that many viewers do not notice the health concerns of the use of cigarettes. Recently there has been a surge of cancer among people that antismoking campaigns have been created to end or to put a stop on these glamorous ads and tobacco companies. The opposing ads demonstrated the negative aspects of smoking, which is mainly targeted for adolescents along with statistics on the mortality rate cause by smoking. Along wi th tobacco advertising, parents were another influenced for young adults to start smoking. The rival ads such ( started to use parents, whom do not smoke, as the anti-smoking and anti-drug gear towards the adolescents. Over the past seven years, television ads have gotten increasingly graphic and even gruesome. In recent months, television ads have gotten more graphical which has been taken a page from a horror movie. These ads are trying to hit an objective goal of having 20,000 smokers to stop the routine. In addition, New York City has raise up the prices on its pack of cigarettes up to $10. Along with habit, it is costing New Yorkers $250 a month just on smoking cigarettes which can use that money for other needs. The government wants to reduce people from smoking and its trying its best to achieve its goal. New York Officials claim that the ads are fighting â€Å"fire with fire† when comes to widespread cigarette advertising. For instance, â€Å"The National Cancer Institute reports cigarette manufacturers spend some $37 million a day on average to hawk their product, a whopping $13.5 billion per year† (Inbar). The message that these anti-smoking campaigns are doing is expressing that someone might suffer and die from smoking but also, it may wreck someones family. In the present-day, media depicts drug use and smoking as a popular craze to do. Televisions shows and movies depict drugs and smoking as a good habit and do not state any negative consequences on the use of it. Todays audience watches these shows and movies, which get the sense that smoking and using drugs is a â€Å"cool thing to do†. For example, HBOs television â€Å"Bored to Death† and 90s cult classic movie, â€Å"Half-Baked†, depicts characters that continuous smoking marijuana throughout the whole act. Throughout these programming, it does not stated any negative aspect from smoking marijuana but instead glamorous as a drug that can be use for relaxation. Television ads depict the negative aspects of marijuana and cigerrette use as someone whom can lose their concentration, vision and can cause serious damage to their brain cells. According to Variety, Triplett writes, â€Å"A senior lawmaker, Ed Markey (D-Mass.), wants more action from Hollywood against smoking, and the Motion Picture Association of America pledged to try opening a direct dialogue on the issue. Markey wants to ask MPAA topper Dan Glickman to improvise on the following: Including antismoking public service announcements on DVDs. Certifying that no one involved during a production received anything of value for using or displaying tobacco in the film and eliminating tobacco brand imagery from movies† (Triplett). If adolescents see their favorite actors or actresses smoking, it will lead them to believe that smoking is a good thing to do or not harmful. But these changes in the movie industry will try to eliminate smoking from their movie scenes to not influence anyone about smoking. It is great idea because many adolescents look up to these celebrities as role models. INTERVENTION The intervention to reduced smoking habits has been on the community and its two aims. The reasons for the campaigns are to highlight the dangers of smoking in terms of health and to reduce the amount smoked and potential smokers in the community. The statewide tobacco prevention and education campaign launched to target audience from ages 12-17 to inform them about the harsh realities of smoking. The campaign was created along with group of teen advisors whom themselves were smokers or knew someone that smoke to get the best perception to help succeed with these ads. The funds come from tobacco tax dollars that purpose is to be used for prevention efforts. The idea for this campaign is the let the audience know that smoking can be addictive and hard to quick. Not all of the campaigns are true, as it seems. For example, Baram writes about a famous controversial spokesperson for antismoking campaign but continue to smoke after he filmed a commercial about the harm that smoking can do for a human body. Baram writes: â€Å"Skip Legault, with his tale of two heart attacks, strokes and an amputated right leg, has become the star of anti-smoking posters and commercials blanketing New York since December. But the 48-year-old former repairman isnt getting the message Legault said he still smokes up to a full pack of Marlboros every day. I cant stop smoking, Legault told Ive been smoking since I was 8, and Im afraid to quit. ABC†. This case of Skip Legault made national headlines because of the issue of quitting smoking is much harder than it seems† (Baram 2008). Even, addictive smokers admit that it is hard. Many people believe that they can quit on their will but it is different. The chemicals drive these smokers to smoke more because of the addiction. A marketing campaign that has been successful in getting its message across is The 1997 Settlement Act mainly funded the company. It has been the number one protestor against smoking. The anti-smoking campaign consists of several ways to reach to the massive amount of audience. Each way is to attract audience on the hazards that smoking can happen to an individual. The ads are in English and Spanish, which include television ads, radio ads, posters, cinema advertising, online media, social media, and Internet advertising and original websites. FUNDING Before 1988, mass media campaigns relied on free advertising through public service announcements or short-term funding for specific campaign (Siegal 1998). These ads were not aired during prime time, which made little progress towards reaching the mass audience. The ads were heavily dependant on donation of advertising time by broadcasters. In 1988, the use of mass media for antismoking changed by voters in California approved Proposition 99. This election required that tobacco companies donated 20% of their revenue for the state to provide educational programs and increased of the state cigarette tax by 25 cents. As Warner reports, â€Å"The purpose is to demonstrate that, with various combinations of policy changes, mass media information, and smoking cessation programs, smokers can be encouraged to stop smoking, and young people can be prevented from starting to smoke† (Warner 1982, pg.378) A court settlement that changed everything for antismoking media is 1997 settlement. The background begins,in August 1997, when the Florida Gov. Lawton Chiles made an historical out of court settlement among all tobacco companies at that time. The massive payout of $11.3 billion dollars is the considered the day that the straw that broke Joe Camels back† (Grossman 1997 p.290). This settlement led to the creation of whom is an advertising company that campaign against smoking. In addition, the money was used to compensate the state for public health costs caused by smoking-related illnesses.† The main goal of this settlement is to provide a way to lower down the use of cigarettes among young adults and give a helping hand to adults to quit smoking. The main idea of the settlement is to educate non-smokers about the effects of smoking and the harm of its chemicals. In â€Å"Cigarette Taxes†, Grossman reports that the agreement calls on tobacco companies to: Pay billions of dollars for a host of public education and health programs; Reimburse states for the cost of treating tobacco related illnesses; Set aside a multi-billion dollar fund to compensate smokers who win individual lawsuits against the tobacco companies; and Severely curtail marketing and advertising cigarettes, especially to teenagers. All of theses changes made a significant progress in the campaign against smoking. Since the settlement, smoking has been a decline for many users as they reported that the main reason to quit were due to the informercials and mass media adverstiing. The adversiting has faced some roadblocks in the process of succeeding. For example, in 1992, Gov. Wilson suspended Californias media campaign for other purposes. In 1995 and 1996, he censored and pulled other commercials that went against tobacco companies. The motivated behind this act still remains unsolved but it would not be surprise if he were supporting tobacco companies in some form of way. Another example, Siegal reports, in 1996, Assembly Speaker Curtis Pringle introduced a bill that would have restricted the media campaign to messages dealing with health and disallowed spots attacking the tobacco industry (Siegal 1998). TYPES OF CAMPAIGNS In March of 2009, the New York State Department of Health released ads for antismoking which cost $1.2 million from the states budget. The campaigns are featured in medical journals, newspapers and other publications such as the Internet. These ads are encouraging healthcare providers to make quitting a main concern with their patients who smoke. These ads were photo-shopped that featured images of patients with oversized ears to demonstrated that smokers are willing to listen from their doctors about the hazards of smoking. The reason for these ads is to attract healthcare workers because many adolescents go for their annual physical exam. Somehow, adolescents interact with doctors and nurses and are convincing to help these young adults to stop or before they start smoking. In earlier years of advertising, anti-smoking groups and health departments have attempted to oppose the advertising of tobacco by creating their own ads to emphasize the negative effects of smoking. The commercials included smoking cessation, the increased risk of lung cancer and other hazards problems that were seen passive for other public members. However, over the years, the ads have become more aggressive and more combative against smoking. Now these ads are focused on decreased physical attractiveness such as erectile dysfunction and graphical messages such as losing fingers and black lungs. These campaigns are much targeted to the younger crowd than its predecessor. Around the globe, smokers know that smoking tobacco is bad for their nature but they continue to do it regardless of their hazards that come along with it. Current smokers that I have met stated that the number one reason that they cannot stop smoking because of they are addicted to smoking and/or the use of tobacco. Many smokers are addicted to the scent and the nicotine, whom several years ago, the tobacco companies have tried to cover it up to make more money of it. Nicotine is a stimulant form of factor that has been considered one of the worst addictions to break compare to cocaine and heroin use. It is not the only chemical involved with cigarettes but along with 4,000 chemicals is involved which can make an individual much harder to quit. Aside from the fact that cigarette smoking can damage the health of the one smoking but it can also pose serious health risks to other people in the surrounding area. A person that smokes within distance can promote second hand smoke to his peers. This situation can lead to others to walk away from the venue and/or to move away from the entire scenery. Since Mayor Bloomberg was elected, he banned all types of smoking in nightclubs; restaurants and other public places to decrease second-hand smoke and increased businesses for these places that people avoided because of the tobacco smell. Smokers should be educated on their smoking can be to those people around them, including children. This is one of the reasons that anti-smoking campaigns focused on. The campaigners wanted to stop second hand in the neighborhood to prevent cancer and asthma. The campaign for the anti-smoking will try not to use propaganda but instead promote facts about the hazards of smoking. The posters for the campaign against smoking are with feature graphics that is within accepted limits for the culture that it is intended as not to attract negative publicity. The ads do not have any racist overtones or anything that will offend the mass public. The campaign was design to attract peoples attention regardless of race, color, age, and sex. The preferred approach for advertisers is arousing fear because nothing is as vivid as violence and nothing translates as to film as horror. The tendency of media to control against open-mindedness is one of the dominant themes in media criticism. The only aim of the campaign is to distribute as much promotional campaign against smoking as possible within a very limited area. In reference from, they have listed celebrities and well-known actors to get the message across to viewers that smoking is not â€Å"cool†. The anti-smoking group believes that having celebrities and other well-known faces will attract a bigger audience than having a request from the government and its surgeon general. There are several message theme labels that are use in anti-smoking advertising across the border. Based on Penchmanns recent research, â€Å"The message theme labels are the following: disease and death (Smokers suffer from health effects), endangers others, (second-hand smoke), cosmetics, (unattractive side effects), smokers negative life circumstances (loser lifestyle), refusal skills role model (role models do not smoke), marketing tactics (image advertising), selling disease and death (tobacco firms use manipulation and deception to sell a product that causes harm), and substantive variation (several messages use to spread one meaning)† (Penchmann 1994, p.240). Each message theme is use in their ways by marketers and campaigners. It has proved that all of them methods none have made the effort that the â€Å"shock method† has produce. Since 2007, the New York City Department of Health launched a series of anti-smoking campaigns which included smokers quit hotline and free nicotine patch and gum clinics in certain areas at certain times throughout the year. The television ads promoted the damage smoking can do to the body. These ads were noted for their graphic nature as well as their effectiveness. Since 2008, a second series of ads launched that can be seen nearly in every subway train station. It is about â€Å"Marie† a Hispanic Middle-Aged woman whom describes the amputations and pain she has undergone in relation to developing a disease that was the effects of smoking cigarettes. Each day routine smokers die from smoking related diseases each day. In a single cigarette 4700 cancer-causing chemicals are found which are have general surgeon messages pasted on the cigarette cartons. Despite the warnings, smokers continue to smoke. Some of these chemicals include acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde and arsenic. It is disgusting that people are putting these chemicals in their bodies and lungs daily. It is a suicide waiting to happen. Earlier times, Men were to consider smokers more than women. Times have changed and now more women smoke to deal with stress or problems. In addition, social influences such as friends and partygoers are most likely to smoke. Most modern women today will agree that the demand and multiple roles they have taken on have grown over the years. It is no small wonder that many have turned to cigarettes to deal with stress. EFFECTIVENESS Although the main goal of anti-smoking media campaigns is to quit smokers to quit smoking, little evidence suggests that the role of these campaigns are helping to stop. The campaigns can provide a new insight for young people such as non-smokers and those smokers wanting to quit to lead a normal life. These campaigns cost less money than sending someone to be hospitalized or suffer severe consequences because of smoking. It is a healthier and more prosperous future for our younger generation but not all of antismoking ads are effective. Research study has shown that the most successful campaigns are exposing the tobacco industrys manipulation on young adults; focus on themes of second hand smoke and cigarette addiction (Siegal 1998). Campaigns that simply say, â€Å"do not smoke† are the least successful because it not reinforcing adolescents to experience making decisions and the ability to grow up. For example, â€Å"most adolescents want to appear mature, independent, sav vy, attractive, and cool, and many think that not smoking will help them realize these goals. Smokers Negative Life Circumstances messages suggest that smoking is a barrier to achieving [these] goals (Penchmann 2003, p.10). These ads are effective in their own ways that likely to change someones thoughts on the idea of smoking. STATUS AND IMPACT The question is, â€Å"Does anti-smoking ads work?† It is a tough question to answer because there is no direct link that it does work. As Ms. Garcia, whom I interviewed, stated that â€Å"these aids are not working and the campaigners should find other ways to attract its audience.† The antismoking ads offer two ways that it can spread it messages. The messages are if a person smokes than that person would not succeed in life and if you do not smoke, you would be successful in life. The Tobacco remains one of the most widely abused substances. After writing this report and reading other research articles related to this topic, I found there is at least a connection with anti-smoking campaigns and decreased use of smoking among adolescents. For example, smoking is at historically low among groups of ages over 12 years old compared to the late 1990s when the campaign started. Many people believe because of the increased advertisements and its graphical nature has made i nfluenced in these changes. Most of the advertisements are found on during times that young adults are at home usually after school programming to get their attention. Before, it used to seen at various times of day. I believe it has made impact among our future generation and as long the government keeps pumping money into the campaign, I feel lower down smoking use but never fade it away. These ads had made an impact in society. When people are asked about these anti-smoking ads, their first impression is to mention the graphical nature that it has. Even younger adults have stated that, â€Å"if their lungs are going to turn black because of smoking, might as well not even start†. But not everyone agrees that these ads are effective, as it seems to be. For instance, Pearman Parker writes, They can [be effective], though, when they reinforce the perception that their close friends listen and respond to the campaigns.† In addition, Parker reports that the ads have been effective on younger teens but not towards adults. Parker writes, â€Å"Adults know it is unhealthy and knows what can happen to them but that does not change their behaviors.† Overall, anti-smoking has made big impact since 1998 with its â€Å"shock method†, it keep evolving and changing as time goes by. The ads that are picture in the campaign can be viewed as personal testimonials from smokers whom are having the negative side effects from smoking. In these ads, real people tell their own stories about the negative impacts that have cause throughout their lifetime. The main message to get across the audience is provide a sadness or fear mood. Teenagers are more bound to learn from personal testimonials because it provides some sort of realness to the picture of the negative effects of smoking. CONCLUSION: POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS According Penchmanns recent study done in 2002, â€Å"our findings to date suggest that tobacco-marketing (anti-industry) advertisement may not be especially effective with adolescents, though such advertisements are popular, in part because of the apparent success of the Florida Truth campaign.† It has been proven that The Truth Campaign has been the most successful in decreasing smoking habits among adolescents. Anti-smoking campaigns have other free options to promote their cause against smokers and the tobacco industry. The funds that the campaigners get can be use to provide free addiction clinics and research studies to help smokers on how to quit. As newspapers are fading away such as, their revenues have fallen 23% over the last two year (The State of News Media). Anti-smoking campaigns can push for interactive ways using social media and social networking. They can promote and advertise on MySpace, Twitter and Facebook to get users to join the campaign and give awaren ess of the health hazard on tobacco. For instance, social networking can reach to the other audiences especially to the crowd that attracts the most of its first-users are the adolescents. Another way of social media that antismoking campaigners can use is YouTube to gain more audiences. According to Hempel, â€Å"YouTube is the largest video platform in the world (Hempel 37).† People behind the campaign can run concepts such as viral campaigns with homemade videos. The adolescent group is the most users of social networking and the anti-smoking campaign can promote their product with graphical ads that can catch their eyes. Using social media will be a great way to interact with young adults. For example, using Facebook Connect, the creators can create an ad that collects the users information and create a video on the hazards of smoking tobacco with the information use of the viewer. Only the viewer will get to see the commercial ad to avoid controversy with others watching it unless the person wants to show to the mass. In conclusion, anti-smoking advertisements have been a great topic to cover throughout the research. It has its positives and negatives on certain areas that affect various groups throughout the New York State and the nation as a whole. Many researchers oppose that the campaign has not been working because of the massive funds that the government invested since the 1997 settlement. In addition, many campaigners agreed that the campaign is positively proceeding to a certain extent because of the decline of smoking users have gone down. The percentage is not big but it shows that it is effective. The question to answer is what is the status and impact on adolescents by the anti-smoking campaign? The status is the campaign is still trying to attract adolescents not to smoke and the impact has that many young adults have been listening to these ads especially of the shock method nature of it. Will it succeed to stop people from smoking? The true answer is no because of the addictive chem icals involved in tobacco will make smokers hard to quit. As Penchman writes, â€Å"It is conceivable that advertising that is ineffective on its own becomes effective when combined with other effort.† The campaign needs to develop a strategy to help people to quit. As Ms. Karp from MSNBC reports, that the Internet outlet is the best source to use to expand advertising strategy. For instance, withdrawal clinics, nicotine patches, non-for-profit outpatient treatment can help smokers in many places that the campaign is not helping. Overall, the anti-smoking is making an impact among all people and the status of campaign will become stronger because it is here to stay. Bibliography 2009 Join us in our Anti Smoking Campaign because Its Time To Quit Smoking Healthy Living on Shine. Astrology | Horoscopes, Celebrity Horoscopes, Chinese Astrology, Compatibility Tools, and Gift Guides on Shine. Web. 01 Nov. 2009. . Baram, Marcus. Star of Anti-Smoking Campaign Still Puffs. ABC News. 11 Jan. 2008. Web. . Note: The article helps me understand it is hard to quit smoking. The fellow interviewed in the article was seen in an antismoking ad early in the year but still smokes today. The author writes about the hardships of quitting smoking and advertisements are not what it seems to be. Berger, Arthur Asa. Media and Communication Research Methods. SAGE 2000. Pgs 3 173. CBC. Anti-smoking campaigns apparently have little effect on youth. CBC News. Web. 01 Nov. 2009. . Note: The article is based from Alberta, Canada. This website was helpful because it gave a different point of view from the ant-smoking campaign. It helps me understand the two sides from the debate and on the reasons on why it is not working. Elhart, Mary. Statewide Anti-Smoking Campaign Takes New Approach in Curbing Teen Smoking | Reuters. Arizona Department of Health Services Bureau of Tobacco Education Prevention, 16 Feb. 2009. Web. 01 Nov. 2009. . Note: The author of this article discusses new ways that the antismoking campaigns can evolve. The author mentions different areas where the campaign is lacking and to make it stronger to decrease smokers. Grohol, John. Scare or Disgust Work Best in Anti-Smoking Ads | Psych Central News. Psych Central. 17 Nov. 2008. Web. 01 Nov. 2009. . Note: Grohol discusses the â€Å"shock method† message that can be seen in antismoking advertising. It is helpful because it mentions different ads in their shock message. The shock method is one of the most effective techniques found in advertising. Grossman, Michael and Frank J. Chaloupka. â€Å"Cigarette Taxes: The Straw to Break the Camels Back† Public Health Reports (1974-), Vol. 112, No. 4 (Jul. Aug., 1997), pp. 290-297. Association of Schools of Public Health Hall, Nicholas G., John C. Hershey, Larry G. Kessler, R. Craig Stotts. â€Å"A Model for Making Project Funding Decisions at the National Cancer Institute† Vol. 40, No. 6 (Nov. Dec., 1992), pp. 1040-1052 Source: Operations Research,

Issues with Unlimited Police Powers

Issues with Unlimited Police Powers Police is enforcement is a vibrancy interpretation of the law, safeguarding citizens from threats of anti social elements qualifies to be the most decisive police job description. Crime is an act for which on may punished by law. A criminal describes someone who has broken the accepted laws of the country by his or her action. The police is the people who have power to bring criminals to justice. Clearly there are limits on a precincts ability to use its police power to control the persons and property of citizens. The general rule is that the means employed in the exercise of the police power can be neither arbitrary nor oppressive, and there must be a reasonable and substantial relationship between the means employed and the end to be attained. In today world, we are facing many incidents of police powers and their authority, if police have unlimited power when dealing with crime, the issue of corruption will be occur. The police corruption has been used to describe many activitie s such as bribery, violence, brutality, fabrication and destruction of evidence, favouritism and nepotism. Corruption of authority is when an officer receives some form of material gain by merit of their position as a police officer with violating the law. Police may use their authority to get some extra income when dealing with criminal. It is most commonly happen when police dealing with traffic offenders or maybe a murder. Police may receive some pocket money, when the traffic offenders are trying to escape from traffic tickets. It happens every day in our real life. Bribery will be happen if the murder criminal is a richer, they can even escaped arrested with money. So when bribery is happen, the richer criminals do not need to be punished by law. The truth cannot be found, the victim cannot find the murderer. The unsolved crime is gradually increased. Favoritism and nepotism also is the reason may cause innocent. Police may actually protect the people they would like to protect, such as their family even they are likely to be criminals. The fabrication and destruction of evidence may happen due to escape legal of sanctions. With such behavior, is often result more victims and more innocent events. This is actually unfair to the public. These are also the reason why we still have lot of unsolved crime in our country. Police are human, human are prone to error. Unlimited power means police dont have to abbey the law or the constitution. Meaning they are allow to do absolutely anything to the suspects of the crime. There is now the era of numerous incidents of police brutality against criminal suspects resulting in serious injuries and deaths. The police may use abuse on the suspects who may actually innocent. There have been several cases involving. This was certainly the case in the deaths of three innocent school boys who were shot dead by the police. The police said they ignored orders to surrender and opened fire at police personnel. It was great suspicion of foul play, because there is no witnesses, no police cars with bullet shots, no wounded policemen. Where there is a death by police shooting, the authority alleges that the deceased attacked and the police acted in self defense. Families of those shot dead have often protested that the deceased had no history or track record of any crimina l activity, again raising questions about the veracity of police claims. The police may assume the things they do to be helping society, such acts may include violence towards the suspect. However, the victim may feel unfair, but still, since the right is given to the police, they are not responsible in inflicting damages to the victim. A string of vicious murders by the police on suspects have left the nation loathe and distrust the police for the police force. It is very difficult to believe that these deaths are caused by the very institution is supposed to protect and preserve justice, even to those who are suspected individuals. This is not the usual situation of having to put up with police corruption, misconduct, mistreatment and heavy-handedness as part of our life everyday life. It will continue to happen as long as the police have the discretion and unlimited power in their hands to interpret as they like the Federal Constitution. Social unrest may also occur due to the police having unlimited powers, the victim may feel unfair due to police corruption. Riots might happen due to the seeking of justice for the victim may result. Social unrest may cause our country political unstable. Social unrest not only will cause the loss of many innocent lives, it will also in the drop of our economic level, Foreign investors will no longer take interest in investing in a country with internal conflicts. Such an incident is similar to that of the 1992 Los Angeles riots which were sparked when the jury acquitted four police officers accused in the videotaped beating of black motorist Rodney King when he resisted arrest. Looting, assault, arson and even murder occurred. The country took a long time to settle the unrest, resulting in loss of revenue for the country. This shows how a country can adversely affected due to unlimited powers given to the police, this all actually can be avoid. It is important to the government to overlook the effect of giving such right to the police before doing so ensure best to the country and its people. In my opinion, police should not have unlimited power when dealing with crime. Although the police have ether assumed or have been assigned responsibility for dealing with many more of complex crime and social problem, but their job is to service people. The mission of police is to control crime, we expect them to perform, a crime control role. They should not be giving authority to judge a criminal. Their job is to find out the criminal and left them to legal sanctions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Maybe Later Essay -- Personal Narrative Creative Writing Essays

Maybe Later She’s sitting there, a blown-out shell as hulking and vacant and lifeless as the enchanted castles of my beloved fairy-tale stories. The television cries for attention, but her eyes refuse to acknowledge even its blatant wail. Behind tinted glass—is that smudged dirt or a protective coating?—eyes finally flutter open, the first sign of life. Are they blank? Do they beg for help or scream of past and present pain? I can’t say—I haven’t the courage to look. The world rotates around its axis three times an hour and I run with it. â€Å"Soccer cleats, water bottle, there you go.† â€Å"Fine—I’ll be there in an hour.† â€Å"Okay, groceries, post office, soccer practice . . . hmm . . . what do you want for dinner?† Family members dance around the kitchen in the ultimate test of agility to avoid tromping on another’s toes. â€Å"There’s nothing to eat!† â€Å"Love you—bye!† â€Å"Come back here! Pick that up right now!† A slap of the cupboard door, dashed kisses, and a sprint for keys—trip! crash! yell! A mad cacophony—entirely normal, unsettling, and dear. Grandma sits there. She has not moved. The eye of the storm? Or merely forgotten by time? Dad and I walk away from it all sometimes, releasing frustration in fruitless lament. Sometimes we laugh bitterly. Sometimes his words are a painful reminder of a happier and more carefree time. â€Å"I just had to get out of the house. Usually I can take it—but tonight!† His stride slows in failure. â€Å"I never wanted you to realize how different she is. I tried—I hoped you’d never recognize her illness. And pretending used to work. I’m—I’m sorry you have to see it now. She used to love to visit, you know, and you loved her back.† I strain to remember lost time and attitude... ...te and poofy dress waving a crystalline magic wand and saying the magic words as I am instantaneously granted love and patience and relief from guilt and dread. But there is no magic wand or sudden connection of love and understanding. There is no resolution of perfect peace. I stare at these words and am instead startled, not by supreme happiness or tranquility, but by a resilient hope. The world does not end with this page. I will push print and the world will go on, and I will continue to create my world. â€Å"Happily ever after† is unnecessary. Instead, maybe I will sit down next to her and simply speak. Tonight maybe I will kiss her cheek as she goes up to bed. Maybe I will hold her hand as she struggles up the stairs or joke with her, whether she understands or not. This is no end, and there doesn’t yet need to be—I’m still trying. to Current Contest Winners

Colombia Report Essay -- essays research papers

The Deaf population in the United States is composed both of individuals Deaf since early childhood and individuals who lost their hearing later in life. The "Deaf Community", a heterogeneous mix of people from all walks of life, represents every socio-economic and racial category. However, this group of people consider themselves "a community" because they are bound by a common culture, history, heritage and, most importantly, a common language. This language, which forms the foundation of the Deaf Community, is known as American Sign Language (ASL). ASL is a beautiful and expressive visual language that holds the Deaf Community together. (Lake) Unfortunately, deaf/Hard of hearing people have long been victims of discrimination. Lacking a â€Å"voice†, hearing people have assumed that Deaf people are incapable, and have made decisions for Deaf people on their behalf. Even today the attitude toward Deaf people is that they are incapable of accomplishing anything including their own dreams. This message of incapability is sinking into the heads of many Deaf children and adults. Deaf people as a group are underemployed or unemployed period. Many community based services are unwilling to make accommodations to meet the needs of this unique population. Being deaf means that you can’t hear the conversations in supermarkets, in banks, at the post office, at work, at school, etc. All of these which hearing people take for granted. This means that a deaf person is often found in situations where they can’t follow what is being said and are often confused, scared, and isolated. The attitudes of hearing people toward Deaf people tend to pervade deaf/HOH people’s relationships with their family, educational environment, employers, and fellow co-workers. Some examples are, accepting lower expectations of themselves based on perceptions of hearing people, and lacking confidence as a result of being raised in an overprotective environment, or having things done for them. When it comes to education, deaf/HOH people are also discriminated against. Unfortunately, residential schools for the deaf are often sorely deficient in actual education. The teachers rarely use ASL or teach Deaf history and in most places are not required to. The administrations are often made up of hearing people who are still... ...imination that goes on is to start raising awareness of the deaf community. There are some very easy things that you can do to learn about the deaf culture. One very easy way is to attend a deaf awareness event. Many amusement parks such as Paramount Kings Dominion in Virginia and Six Flags hold deaf awareness days. There are also many baseball teams that hold deaf awareness nights at the ballpark. Many schools, programs, and organizations for the deaf also hold annual deaf awareness events or festivals. These are some very easy ways to learn about the deaf culture and have fun at the same time. Another way is to join or volunteer to an organization. There are many deaf groups and organizations that are in need of volunteers to get involved and help with the deaf community. As I said before, we are lacking interpreters and people to interact with the Deaf and we can start to improve that area by having more people get involved and learn about the deaf community. In conclusion, deafness is a disability of communication. Given equal opportunities to communicate at home, in school, and at work, the Deaf individual can and will succeed and make a positive impact on the community.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Green Computing Research Essay

The Green Computing research project is well underway and we have to select a research tool that will help with quality control. The choices are Cause and effect diagrams, control charts, Run charts, scatter diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts and flow charts. I am a huge fan of statistical analysis however; it is not one of the seven tools we have to work with. Therefore, I have chosen the Pareto Chart method to help with our quality control. A Pareto Chart will allow us to look at energy consumption over a period of time and break it down to what was the major factor leading to the increase or decrease. Therefore, we can evaluate changes made in hardware and processes and see which ones had the greatest or worst effect over that period. This will help to satisfy Ben and Ito’s concerns for the projects quality research and fulfill the company’s goal of reducing costs, increasing profit margin and at the same time becoming greener. This project should be fairly easy to map out. We will simply take a detailed analysis of the energy consumption of periods of time and then look to see what variables made different periods greater or less than others. The Pareto principle is sometimes referred to as the 80-20 rule (Schwalbe, 2011) where 80% of the problems are caused by 20% of the causes. This could also be considered inversely where 80% less energy consumption can be attributed to 20% better habits. This method can also easily be translated into a flowchart over time, allowing us to focus in on the energy consumption for processes, equipment and times of day. Once the problems or benefits are identified processes can be developed to act on them accordingly. The use of this method will help to break out the consumptions for the project team and leadership in a simple to follow diagram, that can be used in the decision making process. The Pareto tool works well when the processes can be easily categorized into benefits and detriments. Once the processes are categorized, then they can be prioritized. This is where the whole leadership team gets involved, to include the stakeholders. Then these prioritized categories can be made into a hierarchical structure with substance and value. This Pareto analysis chart is rather easy to produce in Microsoft Excel, which is a good thing because I am fairly competent with the process using MS Excel. We simply put in a table the consumption values during the determined period of study and then turn it into a chart and you have a visual of the consumption periods. We can then find the highest consumption periods and compare them to any changes or patterns differences from the lower periods. Then these values can be re-charted in another analysis chart to visually compare the major causes of energy consumption. In conclusion, the Pareto analysis will allow us to identify the major energy consumption issues or the major energy conservation savings factors and allow us to prioritize them in a hierarchical manner. Then the decision making process can begin to work to reduce the overall costs and save energy at the same time.


Schema as Hirsch has defined it is an â€Å"unified system of background relationships† that allows people to understand the â€Å"surface meaning† of a statement (Hirsch 54). If people can find ways to influence students about things that are important in the world, they would grow up connecting series of things important nowadays, and end up having the knowledge to choose what they can do next. If a person contains schema about environmental problems, and how to solve them, they would automatically put things side by side and build a solution for it. With the help of schema, people most especially students can be able to focus on what is important in the society today. If the student graduates with the mental ability to know automatically what is right for their health and be aware of the environment problems, they can lessen the cause of it and the world would be a better place. If the student graduates with the general knowledge of choosing healthy foods, obesity would be lessened and if they graduate with the general knowledge to be aware of what they do to the environment, global warming would slow down. In the end, since schema cannot be taught, institutions should change the curriculum to teach information that will inform the schemata, so that the generation to come would automatically do what is right for them and for the environment.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Problems of Children with Disabilities and Possible Ways of Solution

The Problems of Children with Disabilities and Possible Ways of Solution Problem Statement Nowadays, the main problem of each state’s assessment program is to find the ways for disabled students to get appropriate knowledge and be able to show high scores. It is important to clarify the factors that make the assessment easier and to provide necessary facilities for those who have various types of disabilities (Wise, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Problems of Children with Disabilities and Possible Ways of Solution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Considering statistics, about 137,930 students (11.1% of the city population) in New York require specific teaching strategies due to different disabilities. Among these students, 46% have learning disabilities, 13% have emotional disturbance and 24% have speech language impairments (Hehir et al, 2005). Disabled students need a separate form of assessment. Specialized organizations should pay more attention to programs for disabled students as it is the only way to improve students’ academic performance. Importance of the Issue/Problem Students with such learning disabilities as dyslexia, speech sound disorders, and reading comprehension need to be provided with corresponding methods and programs to accelerate the speed of performance in different types of tasks. Many people in New York are those with disabilities who should not be left without appropriate attention. â€Å"Intelligibility of the speech† and â€Å"cognitive and neurological deficiency† (Jason et al., 2011, p.157) are not the reasons to remain without grading or being graded low. The implementation of the specific grading system may help disabled students get high grades and feel deserving members of the society. Being different, disabled students also can learn, they just need specific methods for teaching and assessment to be implemented. The possibility to incorporate those changes may lead to more successfu l results of disabled students. Background of the Problem The problem of learning disorder was implemented in 1963 in Chicago, Illinois (Grigorenko, 2007). The main problem was founded in neurological system of a person that affects the general abilities of perception of certain information in doing different tasks.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More During the past years, scholars have been trying to find the ways out of this problem. A lot of types of media programs such as television shows and films, a great number of books and various articles were created about the matter of learning disorder. It is a big problem for a disabled person to have good results in academic performance. Speech sound production is one of the main and widespread problems nowadays. Unfortunately, specialized groups and classes for such people are few and they not always have specific assess ment system. Teachers of private and public schools make use of time by paying attention to general educational problems and teaching common skills and ways to work. There should be more programs for disabled students with different gaps in physical and mental development. Presently, there are a lot of new educational models and modern informational technologies used for different forms in the educational process. People with disabilities should be provided with â€Å"visual and auditory supports† (Wade, Boon, Spencer, 2010, p. 38). There are many special groups that work out the tasks equal both for people with learning disabilities and those of typical abilities. It is a good step in the process of solving the issue out. It is very important for disabled people to be on the same level with others in the conditions that compensate the deviations in the development and constraints of the abilities in learning (Beate, Matsushita, Raskind, 2011). It is obvious that specialize d programs and institutions working with disabled people give positive results and show their increased performance level. It goes without saying that the changes of a personality do not occur under the influence of the violation of some particular function but they are impacted by a person’s integration into the system of social relation. This fact can be compared with the occurrence of physical disabilities and factors that may cause such dysfunctions. Fortunately, the variety of forms and methods of specialized education has different selective approaches for its participants. A big step forward is the â€Å"use of a computer-based story mapping procedure on the acquisition of nine specific story grammar components† (Wade, Boon, Spencer, 2010, p. 31). This innovative process gives a good opportunity to improve the level of comprehensive reading that turned out to be a very successful project in the whole aspect of education.Advertising We will write a custo m research paper sample on The Problems of Children with Disabilities and Possible Ways of Solution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Purpose The revision of the existing programs and methods for assessment of the disabled students may help us reconsider the learning process of disabled students and improve their academic performance. Definition of Key Terms Dyslexia is â€Å"a specific disability that interferes with the acquisition of written language at the word level, characterized by deficits in accurate and/or fluent word recognition, decoding, and spelling† (Jason et al., 2011, p. 886). Research-Room Setting is â€Å"a separate classroom setting where students with disabilities receive individualized instruction† (Swanson, Vaughn, 2010, p. 481). Informational Processing Speed is â€Å"the speed of performance during a variety of different cognitive tasks† (Beate, Matsushita, Raskind, 2011, p. 885). Learning disab ilities are defined as specific problems students have in psychological processes, such as language understanding or using, problems with listening, thinking, or speaking, and the disabilities connected with such skills as writing, spelling, or calculating (Kavale, Spaulding, Beam, 2009). Assessment program may be defined as a variety of educational settings which cover â€Å"individual and group, standardized and informal, and formative and summative† purposes (Comprehensive assessment and evaluation, 2011, p. 4). Reference List Beate, P., Matsushita, M. H., Raskind, W. (2011). Global processing speed in children with low reading ability and in children and adults with typical reading ability: explanatory factor analytic models. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54(3), 885-899.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Comprehensive assessment and evaluation of students with learning disabilities a paper prepared by the national joint committee on learning disabilities. (2011). Learning Disability Quarterly, 34(1), 3-16. Grigorenko, E.L. (2007). Learning disabilities. In A. Martin, R. F. Volkmar, M. Lewis (Eds.), Lewiss child and adolescent psychiatry: a comprehensive textbook (pp. 410-417). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Hehir, T., Figueroa, R., Gamm, S., Katzman, L. I., Gruner, A., Karger, J., Hernandez, J. (2005, September 20). Comprehensive management review and evaluation of special education. The New York City Department of Education, 1-116. Jason, L. A., Greenblatt, A. R., Dunkelberger, J. M., Anthony, I. A., Williams. M. J., Zhang, Z. (2011). What factors place children with speech sound disorders at risk for reading problems? American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20, 146-160. Kavale, K. A., Spaulding, L. S., Beam, A. P. (2009). A Time to define: Making the sp ecific learning disability definition prescribe specific learning disability. Learning Disability Quarterly, 32(1), 39-48. Swanson, A. E., Vaughn, S. (2010). An observation study of reading instruction provided to elementary students with learning disabilities in the resource room. Psychology in the Schools, 47(5), 481-492. Wade, E., Boon, T. R., Spencer, G. V. (2010). Use of Kidspiration software to enhance the reading comprehension of story grammar components for elementary-age students with specific learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 8(2), 31-41. Wise, L. L. (2010). Accessible reading assessments for students with disabilities: summary and conclusions. Applied Measurement in Education, 23, 209-214.

Sociology and Anthropology Essay Essay Example

Sociology and Anthropology Essay Essay Example Sociology and Anthropology Essay Essay Sociology and Anthropology Essay Essay A. The Science of Sociology and Anthropology Sociology is the scientific survey of human society and its beginnings. development. organisations. and institutions. ] It is a societal scientific discipline which uses assorted methods of empirical probe and critical analysis to develop a organic structure of cognition about human societal activity. constructions. and maps. A end for many sociologists is to carry on research which may be applied straight to societal policy and public assistance. while others focus chiefly on polishing the theoretical apprehension of societal procedures. Capable affair ranges from the micro degree of single bureau and interaction to the macro degree of systems and the societal construction. The traditional focal points of sociology include societal stratification. societal category. civilization. race and ethnicity. gender and gender. societal mobility. faith. secularisation. jurisprudence. and aberrance. As all domains of human activity are affected by the interplay between societal construction and single bureau. sociology has bit by bit expanded its focal point to farther topics. such as wellness. medical. military and penal establishments. the Internet. environmental sociology. political economic system and the function of societal activity in the development of scientific cognition. Anthropology is the survey of worlds. yesteryear and nowadays. To understand the full expanse and complexness of civilizations across all of human history. anthropology draws and physiques upon cognition from the societal and biological scientific disciplines every bit good as the humanistic disciplines and physical scientific disciplines. A cardinal concern of anthropologists is the application of cognition to the solution of human jobs. Historically. anthropologists in the United States have been trained in one of four countries: sociocultural anthropology. biological/physical anthropology. archeology. and linguistics. Anthropologists frequently integrate the positions of several of these countries into their research. instruction. and professional lives. Sociology and anthropology are separate. but related. subdivisions of the societal scientific disciplines that study worlds and society. Once anthropology and sociology were similar in how they studied worlds. but in the early portion of the twentieth century. their methodological analysiss and focal points diverged. B. The Development of Sociology and Anthropology The history of Anthropology and Sociology is long and full of priceless penetrations into the human status. It provides a mirror that reaches deep into ourselves and explains why we do things that are sometimes contradictory to logic. and most frequently in confederation with social criterions. For these grounds. Anthropology and Sociology have remained extremely honored Fieldss of survey and go on to boom as a library of societal idea grows. August Comte was the first to coin the term â€Å"sociology† . He was non the first to make theories of sociology. but was the first to proclaim himself a sociologist. Comte was a functionalist who believed every facet of society served a intent. He is most celebrated for his thought of societal statics and kineticss. Social statics is the survey of societal order. whereas societal kineticss is the survey of societal alteration and advancement. Dividing the survey of sociology into these two classs created two different frames of mention from which sociology could be studied ( Collins and Makowsky 26 ) . The following important development in sociology came with Karl Marx. Marx was a conflict theoretician who believed that all facets of society could be explained as a battle between two or more opponent groups. There were three parts to Marx’s theory. First. there was his sociology which established the category system ( Collins and Makowsky 34 ) . This system included the capitalists. or businessperson. who owned the agencies of production and profited from working workers. or the labor ( Collins and Makowsky 40 ) . Following. Marx’s political relations explained that a category battle for power would be won by the group that best suits the germinating economic system ( Collins and Makowsky 36 ) . Since the lone manner for the capitalist to net income is by working the worker. and the worker can non gain on his ain because he does non have the agencies of production. capitalists could drive rewards lower and lower until the workers revolt ( Collins and Makowsky 41 ) . Finally. Marx speculated that this rebellion would happen because the worker would be deriving less from their work than what they put in. This was his social/political doctrine ( Collins and Makowsky 45 ) . At around the same clip in the field of Anthropology the prevailing school of idea was going the societal evolutionists. These theoreticians used Charles Darwin’s theory of development to explicate society ( Collins and Makowsky 85 ) . Herbert Spencer said that societies were similar beings in that they went from simple to complex and independent to interdependent. However. societies were non similar beings because they were non organized likewise or interconnected ( Collins and Makowsky 85-86 ) . Sir Edward Burnett Tylor was another societal evolutionist who believed that all civilizations were derived from a individual organic structure of information and that certain societies had less and others more ( McGee and Warms 27 ) . Lewis Henry Morgan perpetuated this thought by claiming that there were three types of societies: barbarian. barbaric. and civilised ( McGee and Warms 41 ) . The facets of the society that determined how evolved the civilization was along this graduated table were how people gained subsistence. the system of authorities. linguistic communication. household. faith. house life and architecture. and the type of ownership of belongings ( McGee and Warms 42 ) . The three phases could be defined along the lines of innovations and finds and the types of primary establishments ( McGee and Warms 46 ) . Some old ages after the societal evolutionists established their theories of Anthropology. Emile Durkheim made an impact on Sociology. Like Comte. he excessively was a functionalist. Durkheim created many theories. among them the most noteworthy being that of the map of offense and Social Facts. Durkheim believed that the map of offense was to unify members of society. Crime provides a rule behind which most members of society can stand behind and go united. The reverberations of offense besides teach the young person the norms and values of a society ( Collins and Makowsky 105 ) . Durkheim is besides commended for his theory of Social Facts. A Social Fact is determined by a society and is non true across all societies. whereas facts are true across all societies ( McGee and Warms 88 ) . Another sociologist who was working at the same clip as Emile Durkheim was Max Weber. Weber was a symbolic interactionalist who believed that all interactions in society represented a deeper feature of society. However. Weber was besides a Marxist who deemed category. power. and position the foundation of society ( Collins and Makowsky 120-121 ) . Weber spent much of his clip explicating the signifiers of authorities. He described two types of authorities: Patrimonialism and Bureaucracy. In Patrimonialism. places in authorities were awarded via traditional legitimacy. or birth-right ( Collins and Makowsky 126 ) . No particular accomplishments were needed to carry through occupation demands and there were by and large few to no regulations. In Bureaucracy. people were appointed or elected for places. This system used rational-legal legitimacy and contained a hierarchy. Bureaucracy required a great sum of specialisation and included many regulations and ordinances ( Collins and Makowsky 127 ) . Two other symbolic interactionalists who made important parts to sociology around this clip were Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead. Cooley developed the construct of the Looking-Glass ego. The rule had three dimensions. First. people look at themselves as they think others see them. Then. they look for judgements others may be doing about them. And eventually. they evaluate those judgements and adjust their behaviour consequently ( Collins and Makowsky 167 ) . Mead besides created a theoretical account of the ego. In Mead’s theory. the first phase we encounter is the â€Å"me† . This is a phase in which we anticipate stimulations and react with formulated responses. As we mature. we enter the â€Å"I† where we are now able to see the outlooks society has of us and we react with learned responses ( Collins and Makowsky 174 ) . After we are able to place ourselves as portion of a community. we adjust our actions to outdo suit the involvements of the community ( Collins and Makowsky 175 ) . A new school of Anthropology developed shortly after the theories of Cooley and Mead. The school was Historical Particularism and it drew upon the work of Franz Boas and Alfred L. Kroeber. Historical Particularism brought with it the thought that each society has a alone history based on different waies of development and hence. no society is inferior to the following ( McGee and Warms 130 ) . Boas believed that one must plunge oneself in a civilization in order to understand it and draw decisions. This was starkly different to the anthropologists before him who used comparative surveies to analyze other civilizations. Boas used ethnographic surveies to document civilizations that were about to be lost because of contact with the outside universe ( 131-132 ) . Kroeber was Boas’ pupil. nevertheless Kroeber took a different attack to anthropology. He did non believe that the single played a important function in the development of society. whereas Boas did ( McGee and Warms 133 ) . Kroeber’s major part to anthropological theory was his â€Å"Eighteen Professions. † These professions were 18 beliefs about societal development which Kroeber did non hold with. He believed that societal development began on an premise that society evolves like beings. and did non believe heory should include premises ( McGee and Warms 141 ) . Three every bit influential anthropologists of the same clip period were Bronislaw Malinowski. Alfred Reginald Radcliff-Brown. and Edward Everet Evans-Pritchard. All three belonged to the Structural Functionalist school of anthropology. Structural Functionalists sought to understand the implicit in construction of society. The most noteworthy Structural Functionalist was Malinowski. He studied the Kula trade in New Guinea with the Trobriand Islanders. Malinowski discovered that necklaces and watchbands being exchanged in this system were non merely gifts between folks. They were in fact making a relationship between the folks so that other goods. such as nutrient. could be traded freely because of the established bond between the two folks ( McGee and Warms 161 ) . Radcliffe-Brown is best known for his research on the relationship a kid holds with his or her mother’s brother. He hypothesized that the mother’s brother acts as a 2nd. or alternate. female parent to the kid whereas the male parent of the kid acts as a martinet. In add-on. the kid has entree to the mother’s brother’s nutrient and belongings if the female parent dies and the mother’s brother helps when the kid is ill or if the female parent is no longer capable of caring for the kid. This explains the positive relationship that the mother’s brother has with the kid. and the negative relationship a kid has with his or her male parent ( McGee and Warms 177 ) . Previous theoreticians such as Sigmund Freud had speculated that a negative relationship a boy had with his male parent was a consequence of green-eyed monster the boy felt because the male parent was holding sex with the female parent ( Collins and Makowsky 148 ) . The last of the Structural Functionalists was Evans-Pritchard. He developed the thought of a Segmentary Lineage System. This was a system by which people see themselves in relationship to each other depending on how closely related they are to each other. For illustration. even if an person is friends with person from another household. they will take the side of a member of their ain household before supporting the friend outside their lineage ( McGee and Warms 191 ) . During this clip. another school of anthropology was developing. This was the school of Culture and Personality. Culture and Personality was defined by three subjects: the relationships between civilization and human nature. civilization and single personality. and civilization and society typical socialisation. It was pioneered by two anthropologists ; Ruth Fulton Benedict and Margaret Mead ( McGee and Warms 206 ) . Benedict’s major part was the extremely influential construct of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism asserted that there are no superior or inferior civilizations. merely different civilizations. Benedict besides stressed that cultural constellation established the personality of its members. She was chiefly interested in civilization and human nature ( McGee and Warms 209 ) . Mead was chiefly concerned with civilization and the person. Her major part was a survey on Sexual activity and Disposition in Three Primitive Societies. Mead studied three folks: the Mundugumor. the Arapesh. and the Tchambuli. In the Mundugumor folk. both sexes were aggressive caput huntsmans. In the Arapesh folk. both work forces and adult females were soft and unagitated job convergent thinkers. In the Tchambuli folk. work forces were disposed to dish the dirt and provided fostering while adult females were dominant. Since all three of these systems were really different from the western. patriarchal manner of believing. they contributed significantly to the survey of anthropology ( McGee and Warms 222 ) . Another motion in anthropological idea began in this clip period. It was called Cultural Ecology and Neo-Evolutionary Thought. Pioneered by Julian Steward and George Peter Murdock and focused on how societies adapt to their environments as a measuring of development ( McGee and Warms 225 ) . When Boas made ethnographic surveies a criterion in anthropology. cross-cultural surveies had been abandoned. Murdock revived the pattern of cross-cultural surveies and created the Human Relations Area Files. This was a aggregation of my volumes documenting the organisation of assorted civilizations around the universe ( McGee and Warms 263 ) . Murdock besides contributed significantly to the survey of divorce. He hypothesized that a stable matrimony is more likely if one or more of three factors are in topographic point. First. a bride monetary value helped to procure a matrimony because there was no duty to refund the monetary value and hence matrimony was profitable. Second. arranged matrimony would stabilise a matrimony. The concluding factor that would guarantee the stableness of a matrimony was the crow. This is a state of affairs in which adult females are stolen and would non be returned because this is a mark of failing ( McGee and Warms 265-266 ) . Steward is responsible for the differentiation between civilization type and civilization nucleus. A society’s civilization type is how a civilization uses a specific engineering to work the environment. Culture nucleus histories for the characteristics of a civilization that play a function. Knowing both the civilization type and nucleus of a society can turn out utile when analyzing how the society aintains subsistence ( McGee and Warms 228 ) . Up until this point in history. few if any sociologists had touched upon race. Then. the rise of the black sociologist occurred in the signifier of W. E. B. DuBois. DuBois was a Marxist and saw inkinesss as the modern twenty-four hours labor. He believed it was segregation that kept black from obtaini ng occupations and in bend bad occupations led inkinesss to take down economic position. DuBois believed the lone manner to make alteration was through instruction. though he admitted that instruction was useless under segregation ( Collins and Makowsky 196 ) . DuBois besides suggested that inkinesss have a â€Å"double consciousness† . Blacks feel caught between two individualities: one black. and one American. These two individualities divert blacks’ attending from carry throughing either individuality to its fullest extent. It besides places undue mental emphasis on African-Americans to maintain exchanging individualities to fit their fortunes ( Farganis 180 ) . Several old ages subsequently. Erving Goffman. another symbolic interactionalist. contributed his theory of Dramaturgy. Goffman stated that each one of us has a â€Å"back stage† and a â€Å"front stage† . The â€Å"back stage† is who we truly are when we think we are non being judged. Goffman categorizes this as a accurate individuality. The â€Å"front stage† is the act we put on for the remainder of society to see. This is what Goffman labels a fancied individuality ( Farganis 360 ) . There are four stairss to pull offing a fabricated individuality. First. one must command the scene. Then. an single puts on a personal forepart. Following. one will play the portion they have created. And eventually. the single must pull off the audience ( Farganis 366-367 ) . Another influential sociologist was Michele Foucault. He belonged to the new motion of Contemporary European Thought under the umbrella of Post-Modernism. Foucault suggested that over clip. societies discourse. or presumed truths. have changed. For illustration. during the in-between ages. society at big made the premise that everything in the universe could be explained through faith. However. during the enlightenment. the discourse of western thought shifted to look towards scientific discipline for an reply to all phenomena ( Faganis 411 ) . In post-modernism. sociologists propose that there are no ultimate truths that scientific discipline. faith. or any other establishment can specify ( Farganis 413 ) . At the same clip. Claude Levi-Strauss is analyzing linguistic communication from an anthropological point of view. His major part to the field is through his disposition to near linguistics from a structuralist point of position. Levi-Strauss asserts that linguistic communication should be studied to detect the implicit in constructions that create societies. Previous theoretician such as Boas thought linguistic communication was of import to analyze because it showed how we categorize the universe ( McGee and Warms 335 ) . Around this clip. Sally Slocum is trying to execute a Feminist Critique. Female anthropologists and sociologist of the past had excessively frequently focused on the importance of work forces in society and glossed over the parts of adult females. Slocum pointed out that adult females are 2nd category citizens in most societies because of their association with nature which was seen as wild and hence unsafe. Work force were associated with civilization because they were the accountants of civilization. This created an image of work forces as being the more civilized of the two genders. Womans were aligned with nature because of their ability to bear kids and the work they normally did bring forthing. alternatively of killing as work forces frequently did ( McGee and Warms 419 ) . These anthropologists and sociologists of the yesteryear have provided current minds with a footing for farther research and geographic expedition. Today. Anthropology and Sociology are turning Fieldss of involvement across the universe. Thousands of anthropologists and sociologists bit off at life’s major inquiries every twenty-four hours. As the canon of literature grows. human existences grow closer and closer towards self-actualization.